Chee Family News

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12/5/05: Update on David

Dad is home and doing well. The local cardiologist took out the staples from the implant surgery. However, dad can't drive for 3 months. By the way, on the day he came home from the Reno hospital, the first thing dad did) even before getting to the house) was to stop at a local restaurant and have a Chinese food dinner!

This will be the last blog entry for a while. I'm having knee replacement surgery today, and will be in the hospital for three days. I probably won't be able to walk for several weeks.

If anyone in the Chee family has anything to post, please call my cell phone number (dad has it) in a couple of weeks. I'll tell you how to get onto the blog to post updates.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

11/30/06: Where in the world is cousin, Willam Soo?

[Email from cousin, William Soo]

Dear Bro,

Finally I hear from u again. I thought that u r missing in action

Btw, do u know that Uncle David collapse whilst playing Poker in Casino in Reno abt two to three weeks ago??

Anyway, he is recovering well, but still remain in the Hospital in Reno. He was air flown to the Hospital from the Casino without paying for the bill for the Helicopter's flight. Thats the previledge to be the Veteran in the US Navy.

If u need further info you can always log on the blog createdby our cousin Debbie.

I will be around in Bali for some times now as I enjoyed my work here. So if you wanted to challenge the Bali Course, just book yourself a ticket to Bali.
I will be at the airport to pick u up. Coool??



Fr Cuz Will

--- Roger Lee wrote:

> Hi William,
> I did not receive any email from you last few weeks.
> I heard from Gan that
> you work in Bali, is it true? Any good thing to do there besides Golf?
> I am lucky to enjoy golf here with US$6-20 per game. I played 3 games
> last week, score was not good anyway, but could enjoy and appreciate
> the game.
> Will let you know if I goes to Bali. Are you going to stay longer in
> Bali?
> Cheers,
> Roger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Soo []
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:19 AM
> To: Roger Lee
> Subject: Hello Again!!!
> Hi Bro,
> I email u some weeks back. But hv yet to receive any reply from u.
> R u bz with work or r u bz with ur Golf Games???
> Haha!!! U must hv got to different courses every day to perfect your
> swing huh!
> So how many strokes I shal get from u now??? I hv not being playing
> for abt 6 months, except last Friday, I went to Bali Golf N CC with my
> colleaques.
> Golf in Bali is not cheap. We paid Sing Dollar close to $150. for a
> game. Couple with betting it has cost me slightly more than US$100.
> which is S$200.
> I will be back to Spore by the end of Jan or early Feb '07. If u
> happen to be in town , pl drop me a note,ya???
> Til I hear fr u, Cheers!!!!
> Regards,
> Willam Soo
> Regards William

11/30/06: David goes home today

Dad's implant is working well. He and Dora stayed in the hospital's hotel room last night. He sees the cardiologist 8:30 AM this morning, and then gets to go home from Reno -- after a nearly 3 week long stay. Jeric and Debbie are leaving Woodland this morning to pick them, and the Ford van, up to come home.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11/28/06: David's debrillator implant today

It is a dual celebration day! Doug, Sr. is 51 today! David's implant was a success today!

Dad's defibrillator implant surgery was scheduled for 9:00 AM this morning at the Renown Hospital in Reno. However, he didn't actually go into surgery until the early afternoon. The surgery was scheduled for 1.5 hours. Afterward, dad said that they put a 4 lb. weight on top of the implanted defibrillator for several hours. He is resting in the hospital, and is doing well. Jeric and Debbie plan to drive up to Reno on Thursday to bring dad and Dora home. Hurray!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

11/23/06: Thanksgiving Day celebration


David, Dora, and daughter-in-law, Mary, have been staying at the hotel in the hospital since dad's release from the hospital on Monday. On the advice of the cardiologist, dad did not make the journey back to Woodland. He checks back into the hospital on Monday, 11/27/06, for the defibrillator implant on Tuesday. So, since the family could not have Thanksgiving at home, the Thanksgiving celebration travelled to Reno.

Doug, Sr., Debbie, Doug, Jr, and Daniel picked up a Thanksgiving dinner (with all the trimmings) from Boston Market and drove up the Reno hospital. Doug, Sr., sliced the turkey, and we all ate too much -- from nuts and spinach-artichoke appetizers to yams, stuffing, creamed spinach, mashed potatoes, gravy, and two kinds of pie for dessert (apple and pumpkin). We laughed and celebrated, and gave thanks. However, we all missed Jeric who had to work a Cache Creek Casino today and could not come with us.

Below are Thanksgiving messages to our family and friends from David, Dora, Doug, Jr., and Daniel. Doug, Sr., Mary, and Debbie supervised the audio productions for our four Thanksgiving podcasters.

David's Thanksgiving podcast:

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Dora's Thanksgiving podcast:

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Doug, Jr.'s Thanksgiving podcast:

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Daniel's Thanksgiving podcast:

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

11/21/06: Update on David's status

Dad will have a defibrillator implanted on Monday at the Renown Hospital in Reno. He was discharged from the hospital today. However, the cardilogist didn't think it wise for him to go home and then back to Reno again. So, dad, Dora, and Mary (my brother, Doug's, wife) are staying at the hospital hotel, called the Inn at Renown, for the Thanksgiving weekend. Since they can't come home, we are taking Thanksgiving dinner to Reno.

Monday, November 20, 2006

11/20/06: Update on David's status

We thought dad was going home today. It looks like he probably won't be released until tomorrow. His kidney's are a bit weak from the isotope given for the MUGA scan and diuretics. So, he is being watched today.

Otherwise, the speech therapist released him for a regular diet. He can have foods that are more chewey now. He can walk around and exercise a little. And, he's telling WWII and Korean War stories to everyone who comes into his room. All in all, he's feeling much, much better than he did a week ago.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

11/19/06: Audio podcast message from David

Listen to the message from David.

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11/19/06: Audio podcast message from Dora

Listen to Dora's podcast message.

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11/19/06: Update on David's status

Dr. Kelly, the cardiologist came by dad's room this morning. He said the result of the MUGA scan is that David's heart squeezes 33% of blood with each beat (normal is 55%). When the heart squeezes 35%, a defibrallator implant is usually not recommeded. Since dad's is so close to 35%, he is recommending medication and watching his condition. So, no implant is needed at this time.

Dad will be transferred to a room on the third floor today. But, the best news is that tomorrow, Monday, he may go home!!!

11/18/06: Message to David from Cheyl and Glen

[Email sent 11/18/06 by cousin Cheryl, Auntie Dorothy's daughter]

Hi Debbie:

So sorry to hear about Uncle David. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, and your family. I got some update from my mom as well after her visit to Uncle David in Reno. Please give Uncle David our warmest regards, and well wishes! Hope he has a speedy recovery.

Please keep up your good work on postings about his status.

Take care, and God Bless!
Chery and Glenn Tamaru